Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Build A Niche Store (BANS) Review

Now that everyone seems to want to work from home, there is a huge market of curious would-be internet marketers trying to find out the best (and usually the fastest) way to generate an income on the internet.

Everyone knows that you are much more likely to earn money online if you have your own website, so what better way than to have your own niche site? Last year an enterprising team brought us a way to integrate the fabulously popular eBay site with your own individual website, thereby generating affiliate income for every website owner. Great concept! Does it work?


I must say, even though Build A Niche Store or "BANS" has been out for nearly a year, I have only just ventured into the BANS arena and am still new it. The reason I purchased the BANS software and joined the community was because of very good reports coming from reliable sources, other marketers on the Wealthy Affiliate forum, who were seeing some success, and in a very short time. Some were earning anywhere from $2000 to $5000 per month from 5 to 10 sites. So bearing in mind that I'm no seasoned veteran here, this is a short review.

Let me first say that although it is possible to be a complete newbie and have a site up and running in a short while, it does help if you have some prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, php and internet marketing in general. You will especially need to gain some experience and learn how to market your site once it's up, otherwise there is no point in building a site in the first place. So if you are very new to the whole internet marketing thing, be prepared for a learning curve. Don't worry too much though, there is a lively and helpful forum packed with all the information you will need and always someone to ask any question, no matter how stupid you think it is. Also, the manual that comes with the software is very easy to understand, so you should at least be able to set things up.

My first site was up within 2 hours. The challenge has been the tweaking and customizing. I'm not the most experience marketer or a techie, but I must say that in the 14 days since purchasing the BANS product, I have learned alot, mostly from the forums.

Be warned, unless you are really experienced you cannot expect to have ten sites up in the next week. As I said before, there is a learning curve.

I would recommend this product to anyone who is serious about making some money on the internet. The big bucks may not come rolling in immediately and you may have to increase your marketing knowledge but many people have proved that it can be done.

Just remember, it's like everything else in the internet marketing field, you only get out of it what you put in...there are really no get rich quick schemes that actually work, just hard graft and perseverence.

My first site: Earring Nirvana
My second site: Perfumes For Her
My third site: Elliptical Live
My fourth site: Cancel The Noise

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